Monday, August 22, 2011

Career Center Services

The Career Center offers a variety of services to assist you, from the time you begin thinking about a health profession, to the moment you are admitted to a professional program. Some of the services we offer include:

-Pre-health services for the first two weeks of the semester (August 22-September 2):
    -Information sessions: This is your first stop if you have never visited The Career Center. These sessions will cover how to get started with classes and activities, resources on campus, and ways that The Career Center can help you with your preparation.
      Information sessions will be held Tuesday-Friday from 12-1 pm during the first two weeks of the fall semester:
       -August 23, 25, 26, 30, 31 & September 2: Illini Union Room 407
       -August 24: Illini Union General Lounge
       -September 1: Illini Union Room 314B
-Pre-health drop-in hours for the first two weeks:
      -Tuesday-Friday 9-11 am & 1-3 pm

-Health Careers Chronicle: This weekly newsletter will share tips and information about clubs, volunteering, and other opportunities to help you in your preparation.
     We strongly encourage you to sign up for the Health Careers Chronicle here:

Are you ready for the year? Visit The Career Center today!

Pre-health advising staff at The Career Center (
715 S. Wright Street (Student Services Arcade Building, across from the Alma Mater)

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